Creating a Calculation Field With Formulas

Select the data field column whose fields should be calculated and then select the “Formulas” tab in the “Field Properties” dialog under the “Database” menu.

In this tab you can enter a formula that will be the “expression for a new record.”

Warning: variables you have defined under “properties” can only be added in the initial settings. Otherwise, the variables (especially if they were to count up) in the formula entry field would be constantly changing and would grow exponentially.

The definition for a calculation formula that will be continuously updated takes place in the entry field “Formula,” which also defines the selected field as a calculated field.

It is possible for the formula to contain relations to other fields within the calculation. The syntax for this is:


In the drop-down menu at the bottom of the tab you can set whether the calculation results for this field can be overwritten in the entry form, or whether you would like to prevent them from being overwritten.

Tip: Entries in the calculated field will constantly be checked for plausibility by Papyrus Author. If a formula is detected, it will be added to the field list at the top; if Papyrus Author cannot recognize the syntax, the formula is still incomplete.


For an overview of the possible calculations, see the article “Calculation Formulas for Tables and Databases.

Last updated by on October 30, 2019